Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So I haven’t been playing much at all lately. I have just been way too busy with family and work stuff. I was able to get on line and play a little 7 stud O8. Nothing too crazy. I was so stinkin’ tired that I called it a night at 11:00pm, but I did manage to double my buy in.

I was watching a little of the ESPN’s coverage of the WSOP main event last night. This is what gave me the title for this blog. The coverage was great. ESPN does a pretty good job. They get camera’s over to tables. They introduce some interesting side stories on the players. They do a great job (except that Norman Chad is a tool). The thing I have a problem with are all the freakin’ morons who dance, scream, stand on their chairs, play with toy sharks, and do who knows what when they win a pot! I wanted to reach inside the TV, take that stupid “chark” from Humberto Brenes’ hand and crush it bugs bunny style with a gigantic sledge hammer!! And as for “Rain” that guy need to just get a good butt whoopin’.

If you are act like one of those idiots here is a little advice….DON’T!! Take a page from Gus Hansen for example. He made a bad call with pocket 10’s Vs pocket queens and managed to suck out and hit a set. Did he jump around and act like a brainless chimpanzee. Instead, he had, what looked to me to be, a look of disgust on his face. He knew he made a horrible call and just got lucky. He was cool and calm.

Poker shouldn’t be about choreographing your best dance routine for when you scoop a pot. Poker is a game of skill. Treat it that way. Of course there is a little luck involved, but not nearly as much as people think.

In short…don’t act like Humberto Brenes!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

PLO Again...

Sorry that I didn't get some of the hands up from my last little PLO tourney! I have been SWAMPED over the last few weeks!!!

I did play that same PLO tourney again. I did a little better- 14th (out of 257). The hand that I got knocked out on was sick! I was a 70% favorite. Now, I was a short stack, so I can't be too upset. The guy who called me had me about 4 to 1 in chips. I held 8 8 9 10 double suited. There was a limper or two. My pot size raise put me all in. I got one caller. He turns up 4 4 8 9. I am loving it....well...until he flops a 4, and busts the snot out of me!

Oh well, next time I hope to final table it!
