Sunday, December 31, 2006

Friday Night Cards

I played with the normal crew on Friday night. It went ok. I came into the night telling myself I was going to just have fun and play more reads. It went pretty well. I especially liked it because I was tabled with some players I haven’t started with in a while. I was talking it up and having fun all night, but when not in a hand I was studying like mad!

I folded the first hand of the night to a huge raise, but then I took down the next 6 pots in a row. Some I came in raising and others I just went off my gut. I almost got called on that 6th pot by a super tight player (we call him “Gold” cause he consistently gets lucky like Jamie Gold). Gold only had a pair of 2’s. I figured I would give it a rest for a few hands. I waited for a couple button rounds and then went right back at it. There were a couple players at the table that I wouldn’t try to mess with if they came in raising. But, if I had position and a bunch of limpers in front of me I was coming in firing.

I had one hand that I misplayed, and it cost me a pretty good chunk. It was one of those hand where I knew I screwed it up as soon as I didn’t raise on the flop. Here’s the hand:

Guy to my right raises pre-flop, but I don’t give him much credit on the hand. I look down at Ad 8d and call. Flop comes out:

7h Ac Kd

He leads out with about ¾ of the pot. Here comes my big mistake- I just called. I had originally put him on a weak hand, hit my ace, and still didn’t raise. I played it like a donkey. If I would have thrown out a raise I would have taken it down. Here comes the turn:


I didn’t like that card. The guy bets out again this time a little smaller. This threw up a red flag to me, but obviously not a big enough one. I ended up calling again. There were two reasons I called- 1) the odds were there to call 2) I have seen this player fire two bullets but not the third…I am hoping he checks the river so I can check behind and show it down. Here’s the river:


This card sucked huge for me. I just rivered trip aces. He bet out bigger on the river. I just sat there and was going through hands in my head. The only hand I would see him doing this with Q 10. But that would mean he bet out on a gut shot on the flop. This guy never goes after gut shots. I had to call just to see. I was right he had Q 10. That one hurt a little, but not too bad. I ended up doubling up a couple hands later off the guy to my left.

I made it to the final table, and was second in chips. I was ready to play some cards. Fireworks went off on the first hand and the guy to my left took out 2 players in one shot. So we were down to 7 players pretty quick, but after that. It slowed down. I took down the blind a couple times which I will always take- they were up to 1,500/3,000. There was a lot of pre-flop action so we didn’t get to see many flops. I doubled up a short stack when he pushed in from early position and I called with 10d 10h. He had Ad Kd. He turned the nut flush on me. That was about a 14,000 chip hit. Here is the hand I went out on:

The hand is dealt. The player under the gun looks and doesn’t like what he sees. I move on to try to read other players on the table because I just know he is folding. The next thing I know under the gun says “All in.” I was stunned I knew he didn’t like it. It folds around to me I look down at big slick. I wait for a second, and then call. He had me covered by 2,000 in chips. As he is flipping his cards he says “you’ve got me.” In my head I’m saying of course I do. He flips them over- Kd Jd. What an idiot, right? Well the guy ends up turning the nut flush on me. I’m out in 6th place.

I wasn’t mad at all. Just stunned. I played it correctly. The cards just didn’t work out. Although, it does stink to be slapped around by 2 nut diamond flushes!

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