Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Final League Tourney
I barely squeaked my 4 tourneys in. Everyone else was playing all the time so they were able to accumulate a pretty hefty point advantage. Each player's starting stack for the final tourney was based on the points earned during the regular season. We had such a wide range of starting stacks. I don't have the exact numbers but I know some of the larger stacks started with around 16,000 and the smallers were around the 7,000 mark. Pretty brutal if you were a short stack...which I was.
I started with 7,600 in chips. Definitely enough to play with early...but I was going to need to build up some chips quick to be able to compete at the higher blind levels. I didn't really move up at some record setting pace, but I was able to steadily chip up here and there. After three levels (20 minutes each...rough I know) I had my 7,600 up to 10,300. I chipped it up a little from there then I was able to claim my first casualty of the night. It was a total luck box flop, but I did manage to get him to commit his stack when he was drawing dead!
I was in the BB with a K7 off-suit. I check my option. The board came out 7 7 K. Ha! There were 4 or 5 limpers in the pot, and I was first to act. I went ahead and lead at the pot for about 70% of its size. I was able to pick up one caller. I'll admit it. I did a little hollywooding and checked the turn, I was hoping to get a bet from my opponent. He didn't let me down. He bet close to the pot...which was about 30% of his remaining stack. I waited a second...acting it up...and shove in over the top. He called and of course was holding a 7 as well.
After that hand I was up to about 26,000. Nice.
To make a long story a little shorter-
I was pretty pleased with my play. It was nice to get back into the flow again since I haven't been playing as much. I made some really good lay downs, and some pretty good reads. I am glad to say that I made the final table. It was a little weird though. The top 6 got paid...all the same amount, and 7th got about 50% what the other places got.. In a way it was like we were playing a super satellite and only the top 6 move on. None of the big stacks wanted to get involved with anyone cause they knew they could cruise to the top 6 while others were a little on the shorter side. Well, once we got down to 8 players we decided to chop it even across the board.
All in all, it was a pretty good night. Played some decent poker, and walked away with more money than I showed up with. Can't complain.
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Joy of Razz!!
So it's a Friday night and I'm at home taking care of my sick 2 year old while the wife is out at a family function with my 4 year old. What a perfect night for some on-line poker, but my absence of cash wasn't helping the situation. I hadn't played on Poker Stars in quite a while so I decided to play a free roll or two. I found one and signed was razz. Which honestly is just fine with me. I have been sick of NLHE lately, and would rather play something else.
When I register I notice there are 5, 782 player. Holy cow!! That just seems like a ton to me, but about 95% couldn't play razz anyway so it was cool. As it turns out it was a satellite for another free roll. The top 88 of the 5,782 players would be awarded a seat in the next round...the one that actually paid cash.
I sat there for 5 hours (while watching some TV and having to run upstairs now and again to check on my patient) and played some pretty good razz. I ended up finishing 23rd. Not too bad. I was going to just bust out on purpose once I hit the 88 qualifying spots, but right as I was about to I picked up a A4 6 (the 6 up). 4th street- 7 and 5th street- 5. So i was sitting on a made 7 on 5th street. Now I have to assume that the two other people in the hand had to have been just trying to go to bed or something. They literally just handed their chips to me. One called ever single bet on all streets with a J 10 8 and other called every street with a 10 9 7. Fine by me. I was up to 350,000 chips after that hand. I guess play like that is to be expected once the bubble bursts on a satellite tourney. It still cracks me up though.
The funny thing in all this is the tourney I qualified's on Sunday right when I am supposed to be at a wedding an hour and half away from my house.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
A SICK beat.
Moments like this make me want to beat someone. Got it in 92% to win...then it was time for runner runner!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Good play...not so good results.
Anyway, I bubbled the final table last night. Here is my hand of the night-
I was in the BB there were 3 other players in the pot. I looked down at AhQh. I was going to raise, which I really should have, but I decided to check my option. I did this for a couple reasons. 1st reason- one of the players in the pot will play any ace or any 2 high cards, and he will pay off any big bet. I figured if I could out flop him I could get paid off big time. I guess looking back on it I really should have raised it up, but I didn’t. 2nd reason- I was just trying to change it up a little. I thought if I showed it down and won the pot someone would take notice that I didn’t raise it up with a fairly solid starting hand.
So, the flop:
Qs Jc 6s
Not a bad board for me. I had to be in the lead. I bet it hoping that someone would think I was full of it, and play with me. Well I lost two of the limpers that I was really trying to get in the hand, but I got one caller, not the one I was expecting (the small blind).
Turn: 10d
He checked to me. I took a second. This guy would have for sure raised with AK, I really don’t see this guy playing a K9, and he would never call on a gut-shot with the 8 9. He is one of the tightest guys I have met. I figured I was still good so I fired again. This time I bet it harder hoping he might think I was bluffing and I could get some more chips off of him. He thought for a second, and flat called, but announced “I check dark.”
The river came off:
I reached for some chips, but something just didn’t seem right. I honestly have no idea what it was, but I just figured he was calling again. I really didn’t want to open myself up to a re-raise if I was beat, so I checked behind. I flipped over my AQ and looked over at his hand. He tables Jd 5c.
This guy just rivered 2 pair on me!! And to make it worse he was calling me down with 2nd pair and no kicker. I would expect this from some players in the Tuesday night game, but like I said earlier…this guy was tight! As I watched my chips being raked into his stack I asked him what he was calling with (he is a nice guy and gives pretty straight forward answers). He says, “Honestly, I just thought you were bluffing. I figured you had air, and I was going to call you down.”
For a second I was ticked, but then it hit me. He did exactly what I wanted him to do. He gave me no credit for having him dominated. I was hoping he would think I was full of crap. I wanted him to think I was weak, and he did. What stinks for me is he just hit one of his 5 outs on the river to beat me. I can’t be mad…I played him perfectly, but the 90% I had going to the river isn’t the same as 100%.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Yup...a month and a half since my last post!
So what's been going on in poker?
My buddy Shaunbusted got his cash game league started up. It is a pretty freakin' sweet concept. Here are the basics:
- 9 teams- teams made up of 2 to 5 players
- each team buys into the league for X dollars
- each team is then given a 1,000,000 bankroll (play money obviously)
- the teams face off from week to week and their losses and profits are tracked by the "banker"
- if a team depletes its 1,000,000 they are out of the league!
- at the end of X number of weeks (I think its 8) whichever team has the largest bankroll wins it all- and they claim the cash prize (real money)
I couldn't play this season, for various reasons...the main one being my coaching was still in season. But I have been talked to shaunbusted about it. It seems like a pretty cool format. Each night a team can buy in for a minimum of 25,000 or a max of 100,000. If they get felted they can re-load as many times as they want (as long as they have money in the "bank"). Busted went out and got stacks of fake 100 dollar bills, and made some 10,000 dollar bricks. So when you see the photos it looks like you are watching High Stakes Poker.
Busted and I have been talking about what works well and what might need to be tweaked. I can't wait for season II. I am trying to get some other poker games in the mix if I can. I'd love to play some 7 stud (hi or O8) and some Omaha O8. We will see!
I said earlier that I played once since my last post- here is my update: I bubbled.
Not bad. I was glad to get to the final table...especially considering how little I had played leading up to that point, But I really wanted to at least cash. I think I played pretty good. I did manage to loose all my races for the night. To make things worse, I folded once where I knew I was racing (for almost half my chips) had I called I would have actually won. Oh well, I was just glad to have a pretty good showing!
This weekend I will not be playing any cards. I will be heading to God's Country, also known as Athens Georgia, to watch my Georgia Bulldogs take on the Kentucky Wildcats for our last home game of the season.
Check out the black out from last week's game:

Monday, October 1, 2007
Back at the Tables.....well, sort of!!
Holy crap!! It was nasty. I sat at the table and really only had one player that had some skill. I was loving it, that is until I saw a few hands play out. I was at a table of 8 players. I am not kidding…4 of them were the biggest CALL STATIONS I have ever been at the table with!! I saw a girl call down all three barrels of a bet with bottom pair (a pair of 6’s) on a board of 6s 10s Jc Ks 9d. And no, it wasn’t a good call of course the guy hit his flush. The girl had no clue what was going on. Now don’t get me wrong. Call stations can be awesome!! But you have to hit a hand first, then call stations rule. You get paid big!
I did see one guy try to run a bluff on a super call station. It was really pretty funny. I can’t blame the guy for firing out on the flop. If the C.S. didn’t have anything a fold was immanent, but the bluffer had no such luck. He got a call on the flop. Then he proceeds to bet more on the turn….another call followed. He tried it again on the river…..and guess what?….yup….another call. The bluffer had King high, and the C.S. had a pair of jacks…with an 8 kicker!! The bluffer just gave away 70% of his stack, and now the super C.S. was the chip leader!!LOL. Hint hint- don’t try to bluff a call station!!
I didn’t really get much going on. The blinds were moving fast, and the chip stacks weren’t the largest (although I have played in much worse). I ended up pushing in with Ah10h from the button. The small blind, who is one of the tightest players ever, wakes up with A K, and I’m out.
It was fine. I was just glad to get back out to the tables again. It literally had been close to 5 weeks since I had last played live. I made a couple of good plays against the non-call stations. I raked a few pots, but nothing big. It was just nice to get back on the felt.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I was watching a little of the ESPN’s coverage of the WSOP main event last night. This is what gave me the title for this blog. The coverage was great. ESPN does a pretty good job. They get camera’s over to tables. They introduce some interesting side stories on the players. They do a great job (except that Norman Chad is a tool). The thing I have a problem with are all the freakin’ morons who dance, scream, stand on their chairs, play with toy sharks, and do who knows what when they win a pot! I wanted to reach inside the TV, take that stupid “chark” from Humberto Brenes’ hand and crush it bugs bunny style with a gigantic sledge hammer!! And as for “Rain” that guy need to just get a good butt whoopin’.
If you are act like one of those idiots here is a little advice….DON’T!! Take a page from Gus Hansen for example. He made a bad call with pocket 10’s Vs pocket queens and managed to suck out and hit a set. Did he jump around and act like a brainless chimpanzee. Instead, he had, what looked to me to be, a look of disgust on his face. He knew he made a horrible call and just got lucky. He was cool and calm.
Poker shouldn’t be about choreographing your best dance routine for when you scoop a pot. Poker is a game of skill. Treat it that way. Of course there is a little luck involved, but not nearly as much as people think.
In short…don’t act like Humberto Brenes!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
PLO Again...
I did play that same PLO tourney again. I did a little better- 14th (out of 257). The hand that I got knocked out on was sick! I was a 70% favorite. Now, I was a short stack, so I can't be too upset. The guy who called me had me about 4 to 1 in chips. I held 8 8 9 10 double suited. There was a limper or two. My pot size raise put me all in. I got one caller. He turns up 4 4 8 9. I am loving it....well...until he flops a 4, and busts the snot out of me!
Oh well, next time I hope to final table it!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Just like the rest of the on-line world...there were a ton of overaggressive donks for the first few levels. I honestly just sat back and waited for some solid hands, and would just try to see some flops cheap. It worked really well for me. When we were down to about 100 players left I had the chip lead. I was sitting on just over 55,000, and the next closest player had about 36 or 37,000. I was killing it.
Now, I know I got a little over aggressive in a few hands and doubled up a couple shortstacks, but I really did take some nasty beats too. I guess that is to be expected in a game like PLO. Pre Flop, no hand has a real dominating hand over another, and most of the time you find yourself on one side or another of a 60/40 situation.
I will try to post some hands from it later today or tomorrow.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I am an Idiot!
It was just a 5 dollar tourney on Full Tilt, but did have about 600 players in it. We were down to 150 players left I was 5th in chips, and I think I busted in 144th. To go from 5th to out the door really stunk, but at the same time, it was my own fault.
Here is how it went down: Wait, it might help to know that 2 hands earlier I double some idiot up with my AK vs his A9. I may have been a little tilty for this hand. At any rate...I got moved to a new table. Maybe played one button round. The blinds were 100/200. I had about 14,000 (even after I doubled up Mr. A9). I am in the BB with a Q8. I know...don't laugh. I was trying to make a move. It folds all the way to the button. He makes it 600 to go (and was sitting on about 13,000). I remember he raised last button too. I just figured he was playing his position again. So, I was going to see if I could re-steal. Well the small blind (a shorter stack) flat calls the raise. I am thinking this is actually good for me. I see it as an opportunity to take the lead. My thought was raise it up, get the button out, and play it with just the SB since he really couldn't do too much damage to my stack.
I decide to make it 1800 to go. The button thinks for a minute and calls. The SB folds...pretty much the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen. The flop comes out 8 high rags. I decide to stab at it with top pair. I bet out about 3/4 the pot, somewhere around 3500. The button thinks for about 2 seconds and re raises me, a smaller raise. As soon as this happens bells go off! I am thinking 10's. It makes since that he might play 10's that way. I know I should fold, but then the little maniac voice inside says, "push all in and make him fold."
I see my hand reaching for the mouse pad, my brain is saying fold, fold, fold, but I don't think the signal got to my hand fast enough. I had already clicked it. He calls and turns over JJ (a hand that plays out just like 10's in that spot).
Man I played it bad.
1- Clicking the raise button pre-flop: I should have just let it go. I came into a hand with a player who could do some serious damage to my stack while I'm holding a sub-par hand . So what if he is stealing. There will be plenty of times to set him up later...or just steal from someone else.
2- Trying to run a bluff too early: I like to feel my tables out. Spot the weak players, the tight players, the maniacs, and then adjust my style to them individually. I didn't do that. I had been there for about 10 hands. You can't get information off of 10 hands. I had automatically figured he was stealing, but I couldn't have even told you what style of player he was.
3- Putting in that final re-raise: this had to have been the worst of the mistakes. I have bells going off in my head, I know I should fold, but I push it in instead. There is pretty much no excuse for that. I deserve exactly what I got.
4- I think I might have been a little tilty from the AK vs A9 hand. I would like to think I am not an easily tilted player, but for some reason that hand ticked me off.
Oh well.
Up to that point I was playing some good poker. I did have one lucky hand where I got a little to aggressive with AQ. I ran it into someones KK, but spiked an Ace. Other than that. I thought I was playing well. I got my money in good most every time, and was able to create maximum separation between my opponents and their chips.
Hopefully I'll not play like such an idiot next time. If I do...I am sure I'll get what I deserve, just like with this situation.
Thanks for listening to the ramble. I just needed to berate my play for a minute.
Man, I am a donkey!
Friday, August 10, 2007
I think I'm in the lead! Hahahaha. If you want to see how it played out take a look:
Got to love the weak lead.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Not much to report..
The other night I jumped into a quick token S & G. It was sick. I think I was the most card dead I had ever been. I played a little tight in the opening rounds, and as expected a few of the donks busted out quick. I gained the chip lead for a while. Then some idiot called my raise with a K 9 offsuit (vs my AK) I whiff...but bet out. He hits a 9 on the turn and moves in on me. What a dork.
hopefully I'll do a little better next time!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Yes I am still alive...
So in the last month or two I have, of course, played some cards. I can honestly say that for a while there I was running the worst I had ever run. I had all sorts of beats that would just sting…I can’t tell you how many races I lost (no matter what side of the race I was on), I had aces and kings cracked on what seemed like a daily basis, and I even had a couple of sets crushed either by runner/runner for a better full house or even a donkey who called me on a gut shot straight draw and hit it. At first I was getting super frustrated. I kept asking myself…how many times can you get all your money in being an 80% favorite or better and lose?
It sure was a rough month or so, but towards the end I started thinking about my beats. It hit me…in every single one of those situations I wanted my opponent in the hand. I wanted them to call. I just got unlucky. I made the correct decisions at the correct times….they just didn’t work out the way they are supposed to.
Moving on- I have been playing less NLHE lately and more of the other games. I have been loving it! Seven stud is awesome! I don’t care if it’s high/low or straight up high. I have been running fairly well at it! I entered a 24+2 7 Stud Hi/Low tourney on Full Tilt last week. There were 85 entrants, and I took 6th. I was definitely happy to final table, but at the same time I really think I could have done a little better.
Some players from our club got together the other night and we had our version of “the big game.” Obviously our limits were much lower...but it was good time. Here is a list of the games we played:
- 7 Stud (high)
- 7 Stud (high/low)
- Razz
- Omaha (high/low)
- Pot limit Omaha
- Deuce to seven single draw (no limit)
- Deuce to seven triple draw
It was a good night. I a little more than doubled my buy in. I could have done a little better, but I took some hits on the deuce to seven games! Those things are sick!
I hope to keep up with my blogging a little better. So look for a post soon! Also, just in case you don't know this- one of my good friends and I started up a podcast a month or two ago. You can find it on i-tunes. Just search AA Poker Club. Check it out and let us know what you think. You can e-mail us questions at . We are also in the process of trying to get our website updated so be on the look out for that as well (
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Results Oriented Players
The answer hit me after a bust out last week! Here it is- I am playing fine. I am getting my money in good 80% - 90% of the time. I am just getting called by results oriented players. A results oriented player does not factor in the following when deciding to play a hand:
Opponent(s) playing style
Previous action
Their chip stack
Opponents chip stack
Past hands played by opponents
The REAL strength of their hand
This is what they think of after the hand:
I won the hand therefore, I played it awesome!
Here is a news flash- Just because you win doesn’t mean you played it right! There is a legitimate time to fold just about every starting hand in NLHE, whether it be pre-flop or on the flop. But, there are a ton of weak players who just can’t lay down some of these marginal hands. I guess I should be thankful that these players exist. When they come to the table they just bleed chips. Although lately it just seems that every time I am up against this type of opponent I get them trapped, I get them to commit their chips when I am 80% or better to win the hand, but then they hit their miracle card.
I just have to remember…I made the right play. I got my money in good. Sometimes it’s just harder to remember than others!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Mr. 21
So I get there, draw my table, and am absolutely loving it. Now, before I go on I am not saying that every player on my table was weak by any means. There were a few players that have earned my respect both on and off the tables. I am just saying I liked my table, as well as my position. I started off real strong. I was playing some pretty good poker. If I had it I was getting paid most of the time, and if I didn’t have it I was representing it well. I think I only got my hand caught in the cookie jar once or twice (for minimal losses).
The thing I loved was when I had to go to show down (not that often) I showed pretty solid hands. This is the best. This gave me a huge advantage. Since I had only showed solid hands they had to give me more respect than if I was showing garbage to win pots. This opened the door for me. It gave me a wider range of hands I could play.
There was one new guy at my table. I had never seen him play before. He made me laugh. I would say the guy was an ABC player, but really….he was a really weak/tight ABC player. He horribly misplayed aces on one hand. He won the pot but he could have gotten so much more if he would have been a little more aggressive. I mean really…how tight do have to be to play aces scared?? I know they get cracked (trust me I know) but man, you have the best starting hand in NLHE. Play those things harder.
So, one hand cracked me up. I was on the button. The new guy was in the BB. I looked down to find the lovely 6c8d. I took my time and went through my options (as I had the whole night). Raise to steal, smooth call, or fold. I decided just to call from the button. I had raised for about the last 6 or 7 buttons. As the BB (the new guy) checks his option he says, “you took 21 seconds.” I really didn’t know who he was talking to. I asked him what he said. He replied, “Just a second ago you took 21 seconds before you called. You must have wanted to raise.” I just smiled and nodded, but inside I was cracking up laughing. This guy was counting how long it took me to make a call. What an idiot. I applaud the guy for trying to pay attention at the table (a common mistake of the beginner player), but geeze..."you took 21 seconds before you called." What a bone head!! I wonder what it would have meant to the guy if I had only taken 17 seconds, or what about if I had taken the dreaded 23 seconds?
Not only did he think I had a strong hand (because it took me 21 seconds to call....HAHAHA), but he told me that he thought I had a strong hand. That is just giving me a free pass to bet. I know that some players might use that to try to induce a bluff or whatever (another weak play), but this guy was being 100% serious. Anyway, I bet out on the flop (with pure air) and took the pot.
As for the rest of the tourney. I got to the final table as the chip leader. Although, it doesn't really matter when you go to battle with the guy who is second in chips, and loose. I had aces...they got cracked by his kings. I should have known better though...the guy who I went to battle with- we nicknamed "Gold" because he always gets so freakin lucky, like Jamie Gold!
Once I lost that hand I was crippled, and exited shortly there after! least the night wasn't a total loss. I played strong early, and I can't think of too many better pre-flop situations for building my stack (aces Vs kings). But I still think the best part of the night was the good laugh I got...thanks to Mr. 21!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Donkey
Before I go any further I have to say that his raise ticked me off. Here is why- our tournament structure is similar to the smaller buy in events as the WSOP (they were set up this way because we will be sending some of our players to some of the lower buy in circuit events- same exact structure). Back to the hand- so a raise to 150 (6 times the blind). If you want to raise 6 times the blind that is fine, but....look at your starting chip stack- 2,000 chips!! The raise would have been smarter if we had 10,000 in chips. Not 2,000. Who knows....maybe I don't know what I am talking about.
Typically this player will over raise when he has big hands- pocket pair jacks or higher or big slick. He says he does it because his hand never holds up and he would just rather take the pot right there. WHAT A DUMB PLAY!! Yea, let's see if this makes since- I pick up a monster hand I raise big and win....the blinds! What a moron. I am not saying to limp by any means, but ideally you would want a caller...maybe 2 depending on the situation when you are holding a monster.
I look down in the small blind at pocket sixes. I decide to call in hopes to flop a set. If I miss I am gone. The big blind calls behind me as well. Flop:
Qs 6d Js
Sweet, I hit my set, but i don't like the JQ suited. Two of the hands I put him on were JJ or QQ- not to mention this guy will NEVER lay down a draw. I make a pot sized bet. The BB folds, and the Donk calls. The turn:
I did not like this card. I check. He checks behind. The river:
I check with the intent to call a small bet on the river, and sure enough he fires in a smallish bet. I called. He turns over AcKs. He's got Broadway. He hit his 4 outer on the turn.
After that hand I was just ticked off. He called a pot sized bet with a gut shot. Should I have bet more? Either way...I hate getting sucked out on. Along with every other poker player in the world.
I guess I really shouldn't complain. I was ahead pre-flop, and a HUGE favorite (about 85% to win the hand)on the flop. I'd sure take those odds again. It just didn't work out for me.
I think what really hurt me though was my attitude. I had trouble letting that hand go, and I miss played another one pretty badly. The second one cost me my tournament life though. I wont even get into that one. I'll just tell you it was plain dumb.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Poker Energy Drinks???
What in the world?!?!? An energy drink for poker players? Just the other day I was thinking: sitting down sure takes a lot of energy. This is about one of the stupidest concepts ever. OK, so you have been sitting in a casino playing 10/20 NLH for the last 10 hours, but you start to get tired. Hmmm, what to do? Get a cup of freakin’ coffee!
Actually you know what- I am going to come up with my own energy reviving drink for poker players.
Name of drink:
“I am a Nerd for Ordering a Drink Endorsed by a Poker Player While I am Playing Poker”
Active ingredient:
Left over water from washing my dog (my contain small amounts of dog urine)
My Slogan:
It is guaranteed to slap you in the mouth with a taste that will get your mind moving so you can play better poker!!
Special offer:
Hurry and order quick and I’ll send you this one time only bonus offer: The sponge I used for washing his empty nut sack (he has been neutered).
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I played in a new tourney this past weekend. It was a bigger buy in than I usually play. Let's just say that 1st place was paying out more than my entire bankroll. I sit at my table. I look around. I know exactly 2 people at my table. I have never played a hand with the other 7. The idiot to my left (lefty) had been playing really loose. He was not that good at all. He was coming into decent sized pots with weak hands and getting really lucky. So lefty min raises from under the gun there is a caller. I am in the BB and look down at a Ks7s. I decide to call (telling myself if I whiff on the flop I fold it). The flop comes out:
Jc 9d 7h
I flopped bottom pair. I check it. Lefty bets out. I sit calmly and watch his chips hit the felt, but in my head I am screaming to myself- "HE IS WEAK!! HE HIT NOTHING." It folds to me. I tell myself to re-raise big and push him out. I eyeball his stack. He has me dominated in chips. He just might be stupid enough to call me. That very next second is what killed me. I had the worst thought a poker player can have- I said to myself, "what if I'm wrong?"
Looking back on it, that one hand...actually that one thought is what screwed my for the rest of that tournament.I just gave up any and all confidence that I had in myself as a poker player.
I fold my bottom pair like a wuss. As I am mucking I tell him, "nice bluff." As he is mucking his cards he flashed them to me- 5c4c. I was right. He had no part of it. He would have had to go runner/runner to beat me.
At the time I didn't realize how much of an impact that decision had on my game, but over the last few days I am beginning to see just how enormous that was. I can't believe I didn't trust in myself.
Trusting my gut and my read is my number one goal for the next month of play. I will fix it. I will take a stand and trust my instincts.
As for the rest of the tourney: I made the final table just barely. I was nursing a short stack, and was resorted to just pushing. I hate that, but I did it to myself.
Just remember- Confidence is key to this game.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Random Ramblings...
I know I said this last post, but I still can't believe Shannon Elizabeth got in the final 4. That is just nuts! I heard an interview with her on the Circuit a while ago. On that interview she was going on and on about how she wanted my junk. I mean Joe Sebok was getting jealous because I was all she talked about. No...but really. In the interview you could tell she was pretty new to the game. I am sure she has gotten better since then, BUT I still can't believe she took out the Bear!!
So my game lately has been doing pretty well. I had a couple decent finishes in my league games, but surprisingly enough it has been my cash game that has been doing even better! At worst I am walking away with 50% more than my original buy in, and at best a little more than 3 times my original buy in. I know people may be able to build their buy in's bigger in a session, but these sessions only last about 3 or 4 hours. It is not like I am in a casino for 8 or 10 hours.
I was going to head to Tunica in a couple weeks, but my plans fell through. I am kind of bumbed about that one. I was really looking forward to the trip. Usually I am the one who is getting everything together at the last second, but this time I was on top of my game. I checked on line for room availability, checked on flight prices, and even scoped out which tourneys and cash games I was going to hit. This time it was everyone else who bailed!! I guess I am going to have to reschedule it for this summer some time.
I was trying to think of a hand or two to share, but only one came to mind. Cash game at my place- There was a player who had been trying so hard to get under my skin all night, but I was having none of it. He started talking up that he could read me like a book. He was saying things like- "your so freakin easy" and "I always know what cards you have in your hand." I had a plan for him. I just needed to find the right situation.
I look down under the gun to see 9c 9d. I raise it up to about 4 or 5 times the BB. If folds to him and he shoots me the look and calls. I know that he has big cards (pretty much all he plays). But at the same time...he never gives me credit for having a hand. EVER. Which is fine by me!
The flop:
9s 3d 3s
I pretty much just flopped the nuts! I knew I had to play it fast and look like I was bluffing. He would call me down with any high cards, and just assume I missed the flop. I had a stack of chips in my hand (about 3/4 the pot)- as soon as the cards hit I threw them out there, quick. He quickly calls, and I know I am about to get more off of him! I eye-ball a stack of chips that I am about to throw in next.
The turn:
I reach for the stack and knock it into the pot. He calls again.
The river:
When this card hit I change my demeanor, and not because I was worried about it. I was hoping so bad that he hit the king. I wanted him to think the card scared me a little. I bet out again- a little more than half the pot. He sat and thought for about 10 seconds , and calls. He shows big slick! Perfect!
I show my house and rake the pot. I usually don't talk a bunch of smack, but I couldn't resist. As I am pulling a mound of chips towards me, I calmly say- "Good read."
Sunday, March 4, 2007
National Heads-Up Championship
Heads-Up Bracket
First and foremost I have to say...what in the world is going on with Shannon Elizabeth? She must be catching some good cards. I know I've never played with her (not that I wouldn't mind), but she has to be one of the weaker players in the bracket. Now don't get me wrong. She could be a studly player, but compare her to the rest of the field and you'll understand what I am talking about. She definitely gets a big congratulations from me. She beat Barry Greenstein. That in itself is a feat. Barry is one of the best around.
There were a few first round losses that I was a little shocked by:
1- Erick Lindgren lost to Vanessa Russo
2- Daniel Negreanu lost to Mike "the mouth" Matusow
3- John Juanda lost to Michael Mizrachi
4- Phil Ivey lost to Don Cheadle
5- Todd Brunson lost to Gabe "the worst poker announcer" Kaplan
The tournament started with 64 players, and at this point...there are 8 players left. Here are the match ups that remain:
1- Shannon Elizabeth Vs Humberto Brenes (I figured this match up would be Lindgren Vs Seed)
2- Paul Wasicka Vs Nam Le (I figured- Cloutier Vs Forrest)
3- Andy Bloch Vs Gavin Smith (I figured- Negreanu Vs Chan...although I am not surprised by Gavin. He would have been my next pick...other than Chan)
4- Kristy Gazes Vs Chad Brown ( I figured- Ivey Vs Todd Brunson)
Oh well, heads-up is a totally different game! If I had to pick the final match it would be- Gavin Smith defeating Nam Le.
We'll see if I'm right soon enough!!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Slow Play Suck Out
5h 6d 7s
SWEET!! I just flopped the nuts! The BB bets out the other guy calls. I was going to raise but I figured why push people out. I'm just going to take there chips anyway. Plus- the BB loves to bet, and constantly overvalues his hand. I definitely want to keep him in. I call. The turn:
The BB bets out again. This time fairly large. The other player in the hand folds. I think for a second. I put the BB on an over pair (he can never let one of those go) or a set. I was going to raise there, but I just smooth called. The river:
CRAP- I did not want to see the board pair. He bet out again. This time smaller. He definitely wanted a caller. I go back through his hand- my initial thoughts were over pair or set, but he could also have something like AQ (the only reason I throw this in the mix is because he is a known continuation bettor...and he could have just gone runner/runner for 3 of a kind). I have 2 of the three hands that I am putting him beat- so, I decide to call. he turns over pocket 5's for the boat.
He just went running queens to boat up, and crush my nut straight. Thinking back if I raised during the hand we might have ended up getting all our chips in the middle. Like I said this guy always over values his hand. He would have called with his set.
This was just the beginning- I also got nailed with runner/runner flush to kill my over pair (although I did get away from it on the river...he showed, and I gave him crap for it). Then my short stacked self picks up AK and I run into rockets. That was all she wrote for the tournament!
But...once again. The cash game saved the day. I cashed out as the chip leader with a little more than 1/4 of the chips in play at an 9 person table. I have always considered myself a better tournament player than cash game, but I have been rolling pretty good in the cash games lately. My bankroll is up about 35-40% in the last couple weeks thanks to the cash games.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Tuesday Night Results...
I had just been playing solid, nothing spectacular. Then I took 3 good sized pots down in a row. All 3 of them went to a show down. So, since the table saw me show down 3 great hands in a row I decided now would be a good time to come in with some weaker hands to see what I could pick up. As Hannibal (from the A-Team) used to say, "I love it when a plan comes together!" Nobody wanted to call me down. After stealing about 5 of 7 pots I decided to slow it back down a little bit. Before long I'm sitting at the final table. Then we are down to 6. Then 4. Here is my questionable play for the night. It was 2 hands back to back...but it cost me all my chips.
We were playing 4 handed. I am under the gun (had a tighter image at the time) had A 3 off suit. I raised it to 3 times the BB. 2 folds behind me...then the BB looks down. He pauses for a second and then says he's all in. Great. I have him out chipped, but if I loose it I am going to have about 5 or 6 big blinds left (and I am BB next hand)I sit and think for a second. Am I dominated? Does have an ace? If so it has to be bigger than mine. Is he paired? I get him to talk a little, and it hits me. I am ahead. I put him on a couple face cards. I call. As my ace flips up I see his face drop. I know I am good. He flips over KQ. I am ahead but not by a huge margin at all.
My question is. Did I make the right call? Or should I have let my ace go? I put him on face cards when I called. My thought process was- I am about 60% favorite, and he is only going to pair his hole cards about 1/3rd of the time. So...bad call or not? I could have folded it to him, and still been in decent shape.
He ends up flopping a king and I miss my ace. I am down to about 6 big blinds.
The very next hand: The button raised exactly what I have left. I look down at A5 off suit. Just because of the player (I had been playing with him all night) I put him on face cards as well. I couldn't exactly fold anyway. I was already crippled. I called. Sure enough. He flips over KQ. I flop a 5, but then he turns a Q. I miss on the river. I am out in 4th place. That blows. Not the results I was looking for...but I did earn some league points.
Thoughts on the call?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Bad Play?
So the 10th hand comes around. I am in decent position. I look down at an AcJc. I raise it about 4 times the BB. It gets around to the new guy in the BB. He raises me triple my bet. It gets back to me I think for a minute...he could have a variety of hands, and there really weren't too many hands that I would be a total dog to. I decided to push it all in and just try to take the pot right there. I push all in. The new guy says well if you got aces I guess I'm headed home early tonight. Right then I knew he had kings. Sure enough, he flips over KcKd. He is about 70% to win the hand. I whiff big time and I'm bounced from the tourney...1st one out!! Woohoo!!
I wasn't upset about it at all. He was raising too many hands pre-flop for me to give him any respect. I decided to test his hand. I figured there were only about 5 or 6 hands that I would be a huge underdog to. It just turned out I picked the wrong hand to test.
One of my good buddies took a pretty bad beat and was knocked out shortly after me. So we decided to play some heads up. We played best two out of three rounds. He took the first round, and I took the next two.
I started off well. I built up a nice chip stack. I took 2 players out and crippled a couple more. We got down to the final table, and I think I was second in chips. There was a guy from the other table who had me by about 2 or 3 big blinds. It just so happened that he was sitting to my immediate right. It sure was nice to have position on the other big stack at the table. Well, it WAS nice until one hand. I'm in the BB (other big stack in the SB). It folds all the way around the table the SB calls. I check my cards- Jc10d. I might think about a raise against a lower stack or a soft player, but this guy had chips and he is a bit of a calling station. I elect to just check. I tell myself I am not going to get involved unless I hit something. Why risk it. I am still a big stack at the table. I can pick a better opponent to steal from. The flop:
Ding ding ding...I would say that I hit that flop pretty good. He checks to me. Now, I know this guy loves to draw to hands. In the past I have seen him put huge amounts of chips into the pot on mid range flush draws or straight draws. I decide to bet. I throw out about 3/4 the pot. He calls. The Turn:
That card helps nothing. He checks. I bet out again- about a pot sized bet. He raises me. He throws in triple my raise. I wasn't expecting that at all. I think for a second. What hands could have me beat? The odds of him having another 10 are slim. I go through the hands. I rule out pocket 9's and 5's. He would have raised pre-flop with those hands. I felt that he would have also raised (in a blind Vs blind situation) with A 10, K 10 or maybe even Q 10. The only other hand I could put him on would be a 9 10 or 5 10, but I kept thinking of those odds...of him having the other 10.
I decide to re-raise. At this point the pot is big enough, and I would be happy to take it just as it is. I push all in. He insta-calls. I honestly thought I was still good. He flips his hand over. Ks10s. Oops! Man, did I screw that one up. I have 3 jacks in the deck, and of course, I miss on the river. I am busted out in 8th position.
So my question is, was that a cooler or did I just play it poorly? Could you have folded that hand?
I do know one mistake I made- not looking for a read. I am not saying that I am some awesome reader, but if I would have watched him when the flop hit maybe, just maybe, I could have seen something. Even if I did pick up on something I probably still going to get my money in there. The point is, I didn't even try to pick up on anything. That was a mistake on my part.
The night wasn't a total loss. After I cooled off I sat down at the cash game that had started up, and played pretty well. At the end of the night I cashed for a little more than double my buy in.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Tuesday Night
My live table was an ok table. It was a bunch of the original guys from before we even started our league. It was cool to play against them all at the same time again. Actually, I was pretty excited to play against most of them, but the focus just wasn’t there. I was fumbling with my lap-top, trying to keep up with my hold ‘em hand, trying to pick up reads on the live table, watching for betting patterns on my on-line table, and trying to make sure I didn’t time out on-line (I timed out 3 of my first 5 hands). I just don’t think it was a good idea.
On to the live tourney- I really wasn’t catching many cards. I was able to make a couple of moves, but nothing big. My stack never really grew in the first few rounds, and with the structure the way it is…if you don’t build some chips early you are pretty much dead (unless you get some lucky hands). Soon I found myself with about 10 times the BB. Then the blinds went up and I was down to 5 times the BB. As soon as that happened I knew I was dead. Sure enough…I am out with in a few hands. I wasn’t bitter at all about busting out early. I was bitter for another reason.
Why is it that I let the play of a donkey bother me? I was sitting there (before I busted) watching a couple guys on the table come into hands with crap and end up taking the pot down. It was really bothering me. But Why? I shouldn’t care if they come in with crap. If they keep it up they aren’t going to have any long term success. They might get lucky for a tourney or two, but look at their results for a year- they are going to suck. So why is it bothering me? Why do I care that some guy wants to risk 80% of his stack on a pair with no kicker? I should be loving it- because I know I am going to get paid when I hit, but it just bothers me.
I know we aren't playing for millions of dollars, but I still try to play my best. I try to improve my game each time I sit down. I study the table, I look for reads, I watch how many hands people play, I try and remember any card I see a person flip over, I try to put my opponent on a hand, I try to represent hands to my opponent. I might be sitting there being still, but my brain is moving 90 miles an hour. So if I'm doing all that why does it tick me off when some fool gets lucky on me cause they played a garbage hand?
I wish I could give a clear cut answer, but I'm not sure what those magic words would be. I don't want to appear like a Phil Hellmuth poker brat, but sometimes that is what I feel like. I guess I just hate people who think they are better than they are. Who knows...maybe I am one of those players.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Great AAPC
But- check out our numbers for the last 3 Tuesday night games- 38, 30, and 31. The Friday night games are still doing ok…but no where near the Tuesday night number. The last couple Friday nights we had between 18 to 22.
I am just impressed with our little league. Now, I know that we weren’t the first home poker league, and I know we wont be the last. But I’d put us up against another league in a heart beat. Good job to everyone who helps us out:
1- Thanks to Shaunbusted (aka- Chickpeas) for coming up with this idea and getting the ball rolling. You are the man.
2- Thanks to Merlin for helping us understand the math behind our point system, and for having such a large head to house his super-computer of a brain.
3- Thanks to The Turtle for building us a sweet website. Not only can we sign up for a tournament weeks in advance, but it also tracks all our stats all season long!
4- Thanks to all our hosts for having such a good group of degenerates over to your home week in and week out…and sometimes twice a week!
5- Thanks to our board members for keeping everything running smooth! – The Shadow, Merlin, The Volcano, Shaunbusted, Steak, T&A. It is great to serve with you on the board you.
Long live the AAPC!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Some On-Line Play
So today, everyone in the house was taking a nap. I decided to see what was going on Full Tilt. I signed in and saw a buddy playing a Omaha Hi/Low tourney. It was a satellite into some other big event. I just watched a couple of hands, but it gave me the itch to play some O8ob. So I signed in to the next satellite (just as I was signing in my buddy took his down…nice job man!).
Play was absolutely insane early. Remember, this is a split pot game…I limp in with a decent little hand, but by the time the action got back around to me the betting had been capped with 4 people in the hand!! What idiots. I just took my time , waited for some solid hands, and chose my spots wisely.
Soon enough it is down to 5 players…with one maniac left. This guy is a total donkey. He came into a hand, for a pre-flop raise of course, with a 6A66. He goes runner runner for trip aces, and his opponent had missed his straight flush draw (there was no low). He scoops…that’s just sick. I ended up sending him to the rail though. I hit a flush with a 8543A low.
Once it got down 3 handed. I took down some monsters. I had AsKs2dKd and scooped a huge one to take a big lead. Actually I let the two shorter stacks take each other out and I still had my heads up opponent by 1.5 to one. I ended up going on to take the sit and go down. Sweet! Now my buddy and I are going to have to see who lasts longer in the next tourney!
After Full Tilt I went over to Ultimate Bet. I just played in one low limit sit and go. It was a decent showing. I took third, and got a little more than my buy in back. The thing that ticked me off was getting knocked out. It was a battle of the blinds (I was out-chipped by maybe a blind). Here is the hand: a little background first…I was BB. The SB had been pushing his stack around everywhere. So I knew if I picked up a good hand I could pop him good. So back to the hand (3 handed)-
The button folds. SB calls. I have A 10. I check. Knowing that I have the best hand, but trying to trap him. The Flop:
4 10 4
He checks to me. I bet out a little more than half the pot. He immediately pushes all in. I KNOW I have him dominated. He was just trying to push me around. I call. He turns over 55. I am loving it. This guy had been playing crazy all tournament, and I LOVE to bust idiot players. I have him drawing to 2 outs.
The turn: 7
The river: 5
This moron just hit one of his 2 outs, and I finish in 3rd. I hate it…but I would take the same situation again and again…I’m taking it down 95% of the time. Two hands later the tourney is over…when the super donk re-raises and then calls his opponents all in.
The donk: Ac2s
Opponent: Ad9d
Yea…the donk hits a 2 and the other guy misses his 9.
One thing I just realized...the tourney that my buddy and I satellited into is Tuesday night...I guess we will be bringing our laptops to our usuall Tuesday night game. It should be interesting- playing NLH live and O8ob on-line at the same time! We'll see how it goes!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Adding Insult to Injury...
I had one hand of interest- Early in the tournament. Blinds are 25/50. A guy in the cut off raised to 200. It folds to me (in the BB). I look down at a 7c 8d. I call the extra 150. I’ve got a good read on the player, I know his style, and if I hit I know I can get paid. The flop:
8c 9d 8s
I lead right out and bet 200. I bet it quick. I want him to think that something seems weird so he’ll call. He tilts his head off to the side and back a little, as if to say…huh? It’s perfect, just what I want him to think. He calls. Now I am hoping a paint card comes on the turn. I know he got something like AQ, AJ, or KQ. I tell myself if a paint card hits I am going to check call and then bet out on the river. The turn:
Nice. I check. Sure enough he leads out for 350. I call. I am pretty much betting out on any card that hits (except another Q of course). The river:
I lead out again, this time for 500. He pushes his hat back on his head and literally scratches his dome. He has no clue I have an eight. He calls. I flip over the 7 8. He shakes his head and mucks his cards. The guy next to him asked what he had. I heard him say he hit the queen.
I just like the hand because it got me thinking on different levels- not just about what cards I have and what cards my opponents have, but what cards do my opponents think I have.
The rest of the tourney went pretty well. I didn’t follow my read on one hand, but I was able to keep my losses to a minimum. I should have known better. Not a big deal though. The hand that really hurt me is when my queens ran up against a mid to low stack’s kings. I lost a chunk on that one. I was going to just smooth call, but there was another guy in the hand. I wanted to isolate the initial raiser. It worked. I isolated him, but he just ended up having a better hand than I did.
I still made the final table. I ended up busting out in 9th. I was short stacked (5 times the big blind). I pick up 10c10d, and push it all in. It was folding around the table. I was feeling good until my good friend stops and looks down at two jacks!! That stinks. I am dominated. Get this- just to add insult to injury…the flop comes out: J 9 J! I’m beat down by quads and out in 9th place!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Runner Runner....That freakin hurt!!
Not a ton of action for the first round. I did loose a few chips when I flopped 2 pair and my opponent flopped the straight. It was a pretty dumb mistake, but I was able to minimize my losses. I wasn’t going to go crazy betting with straight possibilities out there. I knew I could get those chips back later…which I did.
I am pretty happy with my play for the night, even though I didn’t get much play in the tournament. My finish in the tourney was awful. I went out 14th out of 19 players. I can honestly say that I got WAY unlucky to bust out though. Check this out:
My final hand of the tourney:
A tight player (who had played maybe 5 hands all night) came in from early position for a three times the big blind raise. It folds all the way around to me, in the big blind. I look down at 9d9c. I thought about re-raising for a minute, but a good re-raise would have pretty much pot committed me. I didn’t want to race for all my chips at that time. I needed to move up the point scale. So, the flop:
7d 9h 10c
I know that I am way ahead. He doesn’t have 6, 8 or J, 8. The only hand he could have to dominate me was pocket 10’s. I check with the intent to check raise him for all my chips. He sits and counts his chips down, pulls out a bet, puts it back, counts again, and finally says that he is all in. He has me covered by 100 chips. I am 99% sure that I am WAY ahead. I call.
He turns over A 10. I love it. I have him dominated. I should be somewhere in the 95% range to win the hand. The turn:
I’m still WAY ahead. The river:
Man, that hurt. This guy just went runner runner for a boat. So I bust out in 14th place. I take a few minutes and walk it off. I just kept seeing that freakin river hitting the table over and over again.
The night wasn’t a total loss though. A little while after I cooled down I joined the cash game that had started up. It was a great game. I felt that I matched up well against the mix of players at the table. I sit down. I fold the first hand. It was something horrible. Second hand I am in the BB there was a raise and a call. I look down at rockets. I re-raise, and get the initial raiser to call me. I end up hitting quads, and the other guy paid me off on the flop and turn. He let it go on the river. After that…the sting of my bad beat in the tourney didn’t hurt quite as bad.
I feel that I did a great job of mixing up my play in the cash game. I got to see lots of flops, and was reading my opponents pretty well. At the end of the night I cashed out for 4 times my buy in. That definitely helped that beating I took in the tourney not hurt quite as bad.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Mr. Invincible...The Idiot
I will say that I love our league. We have some solid players. I do, however, hate our blind structure. It is way too fast and we don’t start with that many chips. BUT- there really isn’t a way around it. This structure was chosen by the board for two reasons: 1- Time. This league is hosted at members’ homes. We don’t want to overstay our welcome and keep our host up until 3 or 4 in the morning, plus we all have regular jobs that we have to report to the next morning. 2- We are trying to use the same blind structure as the lower buy-in WSOP events. At the end of the season we will be sending several players (based on point earned during the season) to a WSOP circuit event. We figured why not go ahead and get used to using that structure now…it sure couldn’t hurt. The real problem is that we just can’t use the 60 minute levels like the WSOP, there just isn’t enough time in the night. So we had to cut them down to any where from 30-20 minute levels (they get a little shorter as the levels go on). It is sick!!
On to the play: 31 players (3 tables- yep…we had one with 11). I had an awesome table draw. I was salivating. I am not saying that I think all the players were crappy. I am just saying I’d take my chances against just about everyone at my table. The only thing I was going to have to look out for was donkeys over-valuing the strength of their hands. I was feeling good.
First hand I look down at 6c6d, and bump it up. Of course I get two freaking callers, and the board comes out 7 J K. I know I am no good. There was a bet and a call…I fold. Oh well. I really didn’t catch many decent cards for a while after that . I didn’t really miss-play any either, but before I knew it I had about 1300 in chips and the blinds were up to 50/100. I knew I had to start gambling if I was going to have a shot. So I pushed with a couple hands that I normally would push with, and had to take some races that I normally wouldn’t take. I just waited for the best spot I thought I could get and took it.
There was one early hand that I thought was pretty funny. There was a new guy to the league…I had played with him before. I have zero respect for his play. He is the type of player that will call a big raise and a big re-raise with something like Q J. He will hit some miracle flop (QQJ) and then try to say he knew this and he knew that- just a real donkey. We will call this guy player D.
It’s pre-flop. I’m on the button. The blinds are 25/25. It folds around to D. He throws in a 100 chip but does not announce raise. Someone asked him what the bet was and he said it was 100. Since I don’t like the guy (and since I can be a jerk sometimes) I say no it’s not. He never announced raise. That is only a call. So the guy behind D calls, and it’s on me. I look down at a 6s2s. A nasty hand, but I just wanted to see if I could get at D. I call, and both of the blinds check. The flop:
2c 6d Js
Geeze, am I a poker genius or what? I am hoping that D has a jack. It checks over to him, and he bets out 100. It folds to me. Now this is where I could have slowed down and just called. He probably would have fired again on the turn, but I couldn’t take it. I raised to 300. I was hoping he would let his pride get in the way and re-raise me…thinking that I didn't hit a thing. It didn’t go that way though. He did a little acting job, and mucked his cards. I shot over a little comment like…you should have said raise and you would have taken it pre-flop. He just sat there…looking like the tool he is.
Back to the tourney- The blind structure pretty much forced play on just about every hand. Stealing blinds became increasingly important, and hand selection was key. Players were dropping out left and right. Soon the 31 was down to 26. Then 20. Then 18…
Pretty soon I find myself at the final table…nursing a short stack. I got one lucky hand in the small blind. One of the bigger stacks raised early to a little less than I had left. It folds around to me. I look down at two beautiful black aces. I casually grab my stack and slide it out. The big blind sat and though for a few minutes. I was praying that he would call…but he didn’t. It gets back to the original raiser and he says “man, you got me.” He calls the remaining 1,000 or whatever it was. I just looked at him and said yeah…I do as I flip over the rockets. It actually wasn’t a bad play by him. He was the chip leader at the time, hadn’t played a pot in a while, and the table was playing tight.
A few hands later I more than double up again. A short stack had pushed (about to be hit with the blinds) and got one caller. I look down at AsKs, and move all in. The caller ends up calling my all in, and he had me covered. He flips over JcJd. I hit an ace, and that's all she wrote. After that I went on a little run. I'm not saying that I went into every hand, but out of the next 10 pots I did enter I took down 9 of them. The biggest of the 9 I won on a monster bluff. I was feeling great. I felt like I could not be beat. I was Mr. least for another hand or two. Then just when I was building a big chip stack...I let my inner idiot out. I really blew it.
It was only one hand, but it was a string of mistakes in the hand that killed me. 1st- I brought weak cards to battle with the only player who had me covered at the table. 2nd- I got greedy. I should have let the hand go pre-flop. 3rd- I didn't even look for a read. I looked at the board. 4th- I went in with second pair and a weak kicker. I wont tell you guys the cards. I don't want to ruin any credibility I may have earned as a poker player. Let's just say I was an idiot. I really blew it. I should have taken the entire tournament, but in the end I'm out in 4th...all because I thought I was invincible.
The night wasn't a total last hand excluded. I was able to come away from the night with some pretty big positives- 4th out of 31 isn't too bad, the prize money covered my league fees and my tourney buy in, and I earned some valuable points for the season. I just wish I could have that last hand to do over again. Next time...I will do a better job at controlling my inner idiot.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday Night Victory
I started off a little slow. Lost a few hundred chips on the first couple hands, but then was able to build them back pretty quick. Right about the time I built some back up…I went a little card dead for a couple rounds. No big deal though. I just waited it out, and played my position…when I had it.
I did make one pretty loose call. It ended up that it worked out good for me, but I got my money in when I was behind. I limped with a 9d 10c (I know this hand is weak, but it's one of my favorites and I had chips to play with). Everyone folds, and the big blind checks. Oh, by the way…the big blind is the guy who cracked my pocket kings a few weeks ago with Q 8 off suit- go look at a few posts ago- he thought I was making a move!! Anyway…I had a 9d 10c. Here is the flop:
6d 6c 10d
The small blind bets out about ½ the pot, and I call. The turn:
As soon as the card hit the board the BB announces he’s all in. Now, he was a short stack….he only had a little more than 3,000 at the beginning of the hand, and his all in push was only for about 2,000. I was sitting around 13,000. I had to call 2,000 for a shot to win a little less than 5,000. I didn’t think he had the 6. I figured him for a hand similar to mine. I called. He turns over 5c6h. Ouch. I sure misread that one. But, of course I have outs: two remaining tens to make me a winning full house, any 8 to make me a straight, or any diamond (but the 5) gives me the flush. The river:
I win with my flush.
There is one hand I have to bring up. The guy I beat sent out an e-mail to our group telling everyone I was a donkey. I’ll let you decide:
I am the chip leader. In the cut off with 2 conservative players between the big blind and myself. I look down at Ad6d. I raise it up to about 3 or 4 times the big blind. My intent was to just take it right there, but if I got a caller I wasn’t totally outmatched. As expected the button folds and the SB folds, but the BB calls. As he is throwing his chips in the pot he tells me that he checks dark. The flop:
2s 4c 6s
I bet out a little less than half the pot. The BB calls, and then checks dark again. The turn:
I know he is weak. He only had a few thousand left in his stack. I decide to put the pressure on. I announce that I am all in. He thinks for about 5 seconds…maybe, and calls. I wasn’t expecting that. I turn my hand over. He sits there, cards still face down, and tells me my hand is good for now. The river:
The BB stands up, throws his cards across the table, and starts berating my play. He claims to have had A Q. If that is what he had he played it very poorly, but remember...I'm the donkey.
So anyway…on to the final table. I played pretty solid. I put pressure on when I thought my opponents were weak, and let hands go when I thought my opponents were strong. When we got to 4 handed I tried to steal the blinds from the button and got called by the big blind, which was OK he was a pretty short stack. He was ahead, but I out flopped him. Then we were down to three. I took another player out, and now we’re heads up.
Head’s up lasted about 20 or 30 minutes. I started out with the chip lead, kept the lead, and eventually won the tourney. It was a pretty good night of poker...for a donkey!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Everyone should play it...
One of the regular crew held a HORSE tourney Saturday night. It was pretty cool. We only had 16 players. The game started at 8:00 pm, and at 3:30 am we were finally down to 2. Me and another guy.
I played pretty good most of the night. I really didn’t make any donk-plays that stand out in my head. I played pretty solid in all the games. My best 2 were 1st- Omaha 8/ob & 2nd- 7 card stud (regular). I had a solid showing in Hold ‘em, but it wasn’t where I snagged the most chips. Here are a couple hands of note:
Omaha 8/ob:
I hold Ac5c5d4d- This was s pretty good pot. It was 3 way action with betting all the way through. The flop:
4c Kh 5h
Well, I am no longer going for the low. But I feel that I have the high at this point. I don’t want to see a heart, and with me holding a 4 that only leaves 2 more in the deck to hit for a boat (and of course the lone 5 that is in there somewhere) The turn:
Good for me. I am pretty sure I have the high rapped up. So I am jamming money into the pot. One of the shorter stacks gets all his money in on the turn. Here comes the river:
I get a little side pot going with the 3rd guy in the hand. I bet, he raises, I re-raise, and he calls.
The idiot I had the side pot with had a king, but was also drawing to a low. The funny thing was the other guy (the one who got his chips in on the turn) had the same low. So I took my half for the high and they had to chop the low pot.
One more hand in O8/ob:
I hold QcQd5c3d- flop:
4c As 8d
Sweet only a 2 3 has me beat on the low. The turn:
8 s
The river:
I end up scooping the pot with 8’s full of queens for the high and 8-5-4-3-A for the low. That was a nice pot.
I really had a good time playing the tourney, and will definitely be trying my hand at the next one he runs. One thing I noticed- I was trying to pick up reads more that night then ever. More even then when I play no limit hold ‘em. I guess I get so comfortable with NLHE I sometimes don’t use my reads the way I should, but Saturday I was looking for them like mad. I actually picked up some that I should be able to exploit the next time I face these guys in NLHE.
Oh, by the way, if you were wondering who won…we ended up chopping. I had to be up fairly early the next morning.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Attitude is Everything
The cards were horrible. I haven’t been that card dead in a LONG time. It ticked me off. Really, I was starting to get mad at what was dealt to me. Other than stealing the blinds once or twice, I think I might have raked 2 pots in the first 4 or 5 blind rounds. Here comes a new hand…oh look, another 6 2 off suit. OK this one has to be better. I peel the first card back a Q of diamonds. Alright…I can work with this. Let’s peel the second card up…wow a 3 of clubs. Into the muck they go.
As I was sitting there steaming and it hit me- my attitude sucked! Here I was sitting at a table playing poker, but my head really wasn’t in it. Yea, so I got some bad cards. I got them over and over……and over again. BUT- it happens! I sat there for a minute and thought, why am I so out of it? I made a mental list. It was getting longer by the second.- I hadn’t played in almost 3 weeks, now I'm back and this is the type of crap I get dealt? Was the wife happy when I left the house? I lost 20% of my on-line bankroll over 3 days. My live bankroll has been suffering lately…….finances…the list kept going. Then I stopped.
What a wus. Stop whining.
I had been wasting time. So the cards smelling worse than the ground beef that fell out of my grocery bag and had been sitting under my car seat for 3 weeks. It happens. The question is…can I get better by being here? Yep. Sure-nough.
I had been choosing to have a negative attitude, but not any more. I was going to use this situation to work on something. Two things came to mind…1- reads (you can always work on reads)- I will definitely be playing against these players again. 2- bluffing.
My reads were on point. There were a couple of times that I was going to come into a pot (pre-flop), but before I did I took a second and scanned the table (like I should anyway). I ended up saving myself a decent amount of chips- example- three limpers in the pot. I am on the button with KsJs. I was about to come in raising. I took a second scanned the table- got a great read off the guy to my left. I muck. Player in the SB raises to 4 times the blind and gets one caller. Ended up he had pocket jacks, and the board was all unders. After that I just sat around and played the “what cards are they holding game.” Sometimes I was right and sometimes I wasn’t, but I was having a better time. Plus…I was working on becoming a better player.
I never really took down any monster pots or made some HUGE bluff, but at the end of the night I was glad I was there. I was able to see how my attitude impacts my play. If I have a positive outlook I am going to come away from the table with something, but if I have a negative attitude…well I’d be better off staying at home and trimming my nose hairs.
Monday, January 8, 2007
Vacation Reading
I know that Phil Gordon is not a super high rank pro. He doesn’t have the reading ability of a Phil Hellmuth or the table image of a Phil Ivey. But, I am really starting to respect his play and his style more and more. I am not quite finished with the book right now (have about ¼ of it left), but MAN…I would highly suggest it. It’s a great book.
The best thing about it has got to be the way it is written. It’s such a simple concept- the book is just hand after hand that Phil has played in various situations. Some of you may be thinking…so what? Well, there is a little more to it than that. Phil divides the hands into 5 sections: cash games, early tournament play, middle tournament play, late tournament play, and final table play.
Before each hand there is a diagram of the table. You see where Phil is sitting. Who the big stacks are. Where the button is. There are even notes on some of the players...such as “plays too many hands” or “super tight.” Then he introduces the scenario to you- it’s day two of the tournament. I recently took a big pot off of so and so player. There was a raise to $X from seat 3. I’m on the button with X hand. What do you do? (That has got to be the best phrase in the book, but it only works if you actually stop and put yourself in the situation). Then the hand continues. Phil explains his split second thoughts and strategies very well, and leads you through the rest of the hand.
Some of the hands work out on the good end for him...while others leave him feeling sick to his stomach and looking for the nearest exit. He doesn't harp on the outcome of the hand. He simply just analyzes his decisions. It made me see that a right decision is simply a right decision- even if the outcome is not always what you want.
Everyone should check out his book.
The book he wrote before this one is called the Little Green Book. I’ll be buying that one as soon as I finish up this one!